Raspberry Onions is a must have when I serve the love of my life. They are sweet and give the steak extra color and taste that blends perfectly with the peppery flavor of the sauce. It’s straightforward and you can freeze whatever you have left, and just heat up next time you make this meal.
There’s no steak dinner without a strong pepper sauce. You need meat to make a good pepper sauce. The tastes you get from the fried meat in the pan will bring an extra flavor to top this recipe. This sauce goes perfectly along with the steak.

Pink = Raspberry Onions – Green= Potatoes – Brown = Pepper sauce – Black = Steaks
European Measurements
- 2 red onions
- 400g raspberries
- 1 dl. vinegar
- 2 dl. water
- 3 dl. sugar
- 600g almond potatoes
- 2 tbsp. olive oil (Frying potatoes)
- Salt
- Oregano
- Fresh parsley
- 3 dl. heavy cream
- 1 lime
- 2 purple carrots
- 100g shredded cheese
- 180g “Beef Filet Mignon,” per person.
- Sea salt
- Cayenne pepper
- 50g butter
- 2 tbsp. olive oil (frying steaks)
- 100g butter
- 3 tbsp. olive oil
- ½ white onion
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 2 tbsp. pepper mix
(or crushed peppercorn) - 2-3 dl. water with two beef bouillons
Or 5 dl. Beef stock. - 1 ½ – 2 cups heavy cream
- ½ tsp. salt
- One tomato or 4 cherry tomatoes
Pink = Raspberry Onions – Green= Potatoes – Brown = Pepper sauce – Black = Steaks
For the US measurements click the button down below
- Slice red onions into strips. ( I take out the middle of the onion, so I only get the longer onion strips)
- Add vinegar to a medium-sized casserole pot.
- Next, add water
- Then add sugar
- Bring this to a boil while stirring constantly.
- When it comes to a boil, turn down heat and add raspberries.
- Let raspberries simmer for 3-5 minutes before you add the onion strips.
- Stir lightly and let everything simmer for 30-60 minutes
- Then continue by washing and slicing potatoes
- Fry them for a few minutes in a hot pan with some olive oil.
- While frying, add the seasoning for the potatoes
- Add potatoes to a glass pan, and pour over the heavy cream.
- Squeeze lime juice from lime over the potatoes.
- Cook the potatoes in the oven for about 30 minutes.
- While cooking potatoes, you can start preparing the steaks
- First, add a right amount of sea salt to both sides of the steaks. I like to add a little bit of cayenne pepper as well.
- Add butter and olive oil to a frying pan. Turn up the heat to as high as possible!
- When butter starts changing color to brown, add in the steak.
- Cook 1 minute on each side for a rare cooked steak. (After you let go of the steak do not touch it until you’re going to turn it over.)
- Cook 2 minutes on each side for a medium rare cooked steak.
- Cook 3 minutes + to insult the steak and order some Chinese food instead.
- Quickly burn off the sides of the steak and place on a clean plate to rest.
- Pour out the butter and olive oil in the pan. DO NOT WASH IT YET!!!
- Add butter and olive oil to a pan.
- Add finely chopped onions and garlic over medium heat
- When it has been frying for 3-4 minutes add pepper mix
- Add the beef stock and cook until it’s reduced to half
- Add salt and chopped tomatoes.
- Add heavy cream and reduce it down to half again.
- Add the steaks.
- Turn off the heat and let the steaks sit in the sauce for a couple of minutes.
- You can strain the sauce before serving if you don’t like the chunks of onions in it.
- When potatoes have been in the oven for 25 minutes, take them out and spread a mix of shredded cheese and carrots over the potatoes.
- Get the potatoes into the oven for another 5 minutes to melt the cheese.
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Oven Temperature
435o Fahrenheit
