When it’s the beginning of fall in Norway and local apples is available in most supermarkets now. It’s just perfect to make this for your friends, and invite them over for Norwegian delight. This is one of our favorite cakes in Norway. Super easy to make, and so good that you might make another one next week as well.
Measurements and Ingredients
200g butter
200g sugar
4 eggs (room tempered)
170g white flour
1 tsp. baking powder
a few drops of vanilla
4 apples
100g sugar
2 tbsp cinnamon
Addition Information
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Baking time: 50 minutes
Total time: 65 minutes
Baking Temperature:
180o Celcius
355o Fahrenheit
In a mixer, mix butter and sugar until creamy
Add one egg, and fold it lightly in. Repeat with the other three eggs.
Sift flour and baking powder into the mixture.
Whip it roughly into a cake batter at medium speed until batter is smooth.
Peel and slice apples into 1/5 of an inch thick ”apple boats”
Mix the sugar and cinnamon in a separate bowl
Mix apples and the sugar mix.
Add batter into a 9” cake form.
Circle the apple pieces on top of the cake.
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Dear Chef Norway I have attempted to make norwegian apple cake and hopefully it will taste as lovely from when I went to Norway to visit my cousins and she made a Norwegian apple cake it was very delicious
Best wishes
Anna Engen
This should be very good, and if you want to up the taste I did publish a recipe with blackberries in with the apples. This is what I usually make now as a cake guests wont get anywhere else.
Hello Chef Norway…can this cake be frozen?
I made the apple cake which was delicious, but the edges got overdone while waiting for the center to cook. Would decreasing temp to 325 and baking longer help ? Any suggestions? Thank you very much.
Each baking oven could be different. You could try placing a baking sheet on top of the cake the when you see it has gotten the golden brown color. This allows you to bake it for longer without burning the edges or any other part of the cake.
I am happy you like this recipe. I hope to find time to publish more soon.