Lemon mousse is one of my favorite desserts. It’s fresh, a little heavy and it has that sweet lemon flavor. I’ve added the flavors of the raspberry coulis. Raspberry lemon mousse would be a perfect dessert to end a new years evening with friends and family. I try to create a firework decoration, as well as the flavor of the raspberry coulis sinks through the delicious mousse.
Measurements and Ingredients
300 ml. heavy cream
50 grams of refined sugar
Two eggs (separate yolks from whites)
125 grams of refined sugar
One lemon
Five gelatin plates
50 ml. boiling hot water
Three tablespoons of raspberry coulis
Addition Information
Servings: 6 pieces
Preparation time: 10 minutes
It should cool for 2-3 hours.
Total time: 3 Hours
Start by adding cream and sugar (50g) to a mixer bowl. Whip it into a smooth cream.
Add sugar (125g), egg yolks, lemon juice, lemon zest and raspberry coulis to a separate bowl.
A tip is not to cut all the way through the lemon. Keep it together and squeeze. You’ll avoid lemon seeds in your mixture this way.
Mix this until it gets a blended color.
Bring water to boil, and add gelatin. Whisk it in while hot.
Add to your lemon mixture, and whisk again.
Add your whipped cream, and blend in with your mixture.
Finish by whisking in the egg whites.
You could let it rest in the bowl, or fill dessert glasses. Let it cool in the fridge.
Homemade Berry Coulis
Measurements & Ingredients
400 grams of blueberries, blackberries, or raspberries.
400 grams of refined sugar.
Add a few drops of liquid vanilla extract.
– Mix ingredients in a medium-sized casserole and bring to a boil.
– Let it simmer for about 30 minutes.
– Use a sift to separate the juice from the berries.
– Pour onto a ”chefs” squeeze bottle
– Cool in fridge for 24 hours
Add to french toasts, and deserts like this one.
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