by ChefNorway | Oct 24, 2014 | Sauce, Uncategorized
Sandefjord Smør A simple butter sauce that is used with different fish recipes in Norway. It's Cream, butter flavored with lemon and coriander. Very simple and most people would enjoy this together with fish....
by ChefNorway | Oct 7, 2014 | Dinner, Uncategorized
Norwegian Meatballs Traditional Norwegian meatballs, that has a little kick. Combined with a special brown sauce and the correct vegetables. Great taste and really flavorful. Most Norwegians would love this meal....
by ChefNorway | Sep 30, 2014 | Dinner, Uncategorized
Mom's Homemade Italian With a simple way of making a good pasta sauce. It takes a few spices and just a little time and love. Italian cooking is suppose to be simple and this dish really proves that. FollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollow...
by ChefNorway | Sep 24, 2014 | Baking, Cake, Dessert, Norwegian Birthday Cakes, Uncategorized
Original Recipes Apple Cake Traditional Norwegian Apple Cake Story When it’s the beginning of fall in Norway and local apples is available in most supermarkets now. It’s just perfect to make this for your friends, and invite them over for Norwegian delight. This is...
by ChefNorway | Sep 16, 2014 | Dinner, Uncategorized
Norwegian Salmon Fresh salmon with just a little lemon, salt and pepper. Served with potatoes is a very classical salmon dish in Norway. So if you like salmon, this is a good recipe. FollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollow [post-views] Story Fresh...