I make this recipe weekly. In Norway we usually have a late evening meal and it’s perfect for that. Of course if you want a delicious lunch go ahead as I believe it’s a delicious light meal. I recommend to try to bake my Norwegian loaf and use that with this recipe. If you don’t want to bake, you could use any kind of thick sliced white bread. Pay attention to cooking settings, and time. It’s all crucial to get that perfect crust.
I usually enjoy this with a large glass of chocolate milk, and make sure you make a little extra. Someone in your house or a neighbor might come and steal a few bites, because it looks and smells too tempting to resist.
Measurements and Ingredients
2 slices of white bread (Norwegian Loaf maybe)
2 tbsp. butter
Gouda or Jarlsberg Cheese
Fresh sliced oregano
Addition Information
Servings: 2 slices
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Total time: 10 minutes
Start by adding a ”racing track” of ketchup on thick sliced white bread.
Add one layer of sliced cheese
Chop fresh oregano and add on top of your sandwiches.
Finish by adding paprika over the cheese and oregano.
Use a frying casserole pan with a lid, and use a medium low heat. Time and not too much butter is key to get that crunch without it burning.
When butter has melted add in your sandwiches and put the lid over. Set timer for 6-7 minutes
The cheese should be melted and the bottom should have a nutty brown crust when done.
Extra Cheesy Sandwich?
Directions & Ingredients
Mixed cheeses of Grüyere, Cheddar, parmasan cheese and gouda. Put two slices of bread and cheese in between. This will be absolutely amazing if you are a cheeselover. It’s more of a version for adults.
It would take a little longer to make since you need to fry both sides.
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