Since I was little, I’ve been told stories about my father eating this dessert with a very special spoon. The smallest and tiniest salt spoon they had. He wanted the dessert to last as long as possible. Between Christmas and New Year’s Day, my father knows that my mother will make this dessert. Of course, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and the rest of the family makes sure to be seated at the dining table. We all love to eat it and tease dad about his history with lemon mousse. It’s really simple to make it. Now this recipe is a step up from my moms recipe
Measurements and Ingredients
300 ml. heavy cream
50 grams of refined sugar
Two eggs (separate yolks from whites)
125 grams of refined sugar
One lemon
Five gelatin plates
50 ml. boiling hot water
Addition Information
Servings: 6 pieces
Preparation time: 10 minutes
It should cool for 2-3 hours.
Total time: 3 Hours
Start by adding heavy cream to a mixer bowl
Add 50g sugar to the heavy cream
Start the mixer but pay attention. You want to stop when it’s got a smooth texture
Leave in fridge until we use it later
Separate egg yolks from whites
Measure up sugar in a mixing bowl.
Add lemon juice, egg yolks, and lemon zest and mix it.
Soak gelatin plates in cold water for 5 minutes. Remember to squeeze water out of them after.
Bring 0.5 dl. Water to a boil. Turn off heat and add in gelatin plates. Mix gelatin with the water.
Add this to the egg and sugar mixture.
Add the smooth whipped cream, and egg whites.
Finish by mixing everything for 1 minutes.
Cover the bowl with plastic. Cool in fridge.
I like to add mixture to dessert glasses before cooling it. Making it ready to serve.
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