Norwegian Brown Stew

Norwegian Brown Stew

Original Recipes Brown Stew Bring out the colors of autumn with Brown Stew Story Norway has lots of different stews. I think it comes from Norwegians being fragile and using leftovers from last week meals. Norwegian brown stew is the one we would make if we had beef...
Honey Glazed Ham

Honey Glazed Ham

Honey Glazed Ham A classic delicious breakfast, lunch ham in the holiday of Christmas or Easter. Simple to make. Some can't get enough of this in my family, so I guess it's that good. I'm not that big fan to be honest....
Fish Stew

Fish Stew

Fish StewI created this when I was about 8-9 years old. I was thought something similar at school, but it needed some improvements. This became one of the favorites within my family. This dish is perfect as leftover food for lunch or an evening snack as well.  ...